

About Me


Hello there! :)

👋 I'm Hannah Folk. I'm a full stack web developer based in Los Angeles, CA. My favorite technologies to code in are React, MySQL, and Javascript. Currently I work for Hearful Hub as a Junior Backend Engineer and Trilogy Education as a Senior Tutor in Full Stack Web Development.

When I was in high school, I took AP Computer Science and completely failed it. I was so discouraged from doing anything computer science related, and so I turned to Math, Econ, and Theatre at UC San Diego. But I did still have to take one computer science course for a GE, Introduction to Programming: Java. Something must have clicked back in high school because that class was a breeze. From there, I wanted to be a CS minor, but I could not fit it into my schedule in four years. I tried self-studying throughout the years as well, but I never had the time or the motivation to sit down and commit.

So when I graduated and moved to Los Angeles, I decided to do the UCLA Extension Coding Bootcamp, and it was the best decision I've ever made in my life.

When I'm not coding (or quarantined), I train at a parkour gym, practice Kung Fu, and sing my heart out to a myriad of Disney songs. Feel free to connect with me on LinkedIn!
San Diego




  • HTML 5

  • CSS 3

  • JavaScript

  • React

  • Node

  • Bootstrap

  • Express

  • MySql

  • MongoDB

  • Python



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